Student ID Cards
Students are required to carry ID cards on campus at all times. Returning students will receive these cards the first week of school at no charge. Freshman will have pictures taken for student ID cards during their first semester. If an ID card is lost or stolen, replacements are available for $5.00 at the finance office. Student ID cards are required for the following:
- Attendance
- Food Services
- Textbooks & Materials
- Finance Office Transactions
- School Event Admission
ASB cards also serve as a student ID. See ASB for more information.
Library & Textbooks
The library is available for student use before school and after school. Students are expected to treat the library as a quiet zone. During class time, students are not permitted to work in the library unless under the direct supervision of a staff member.
Textbooks are distributed to students during the first week of school. Upon issuing textbooks, they become the sole responsibility of the student. Students will be required to pay for lost, stolen, damaged, mildewed or otherwise missing textbooks. Textbooks are not to be left or stored in classrooms. Students with library, textbook, or any other indebtedness will not be issued library books and may not be able to purchase school event tickets, receive yearbooks, or participate in extracurricular activities. Students must clear their debts prior to graduation clearance.
Library Tech: (619) 344-4500, Ext. 3070 | Hours: 7:00 am- 3:15 pm Monday to Friday
Campus renovations will limit the amount of available parking during the school year. The school parking lots are reserved between 7:00 am-4:00 pm to Hoover Staff.Parking permits are required at all times. Parking on campus is not available for students. Students may park on the surrounding streets near Hoover. For families' convenience, there are a limited number of visitor parking spaces available on Highland Avenue by the main entrance. Vehicles parked in school lots are parked there at their own risk. The school is not liable for theft or damage.
Note: Every third Monday Highland Ave is closed for street sweeping from 7:00am-10:00am.
Food Services
The Hoover Food and Nutrition Services Team is committed to serving delicious and healthy meals in support of our students' academic success. Breakfast is available 30 minutes before school starts, Nutrition Break and Lunch are served each day; every student at Hoover is eligible to receive these meals. Students can use their Lunch Personal Identification Number (PIN) or their Student ID Card to receive lunch. Help with a student PIN can be obtained from Cafeteria Office. Full menus along with nutritional information can be found at
School Cafeteria (619) 344-4560
Physical Education
Hoover Physical Education Policies and Expectations:
- Lockers are individually assigned for the term (no sharing of lockers allowed). Big lockers will only be used during the period you have P.E. Students are responsible for the safety and security of their personal effects. All non-PE related items, including backpacks and electronic devices, must be placed into lockers before students exit for roll call. Items are not allowed to be stored in teacher/coaches offices.
- Uniforms are to be worn daily. Students are expected to be properly suited by the end of the first week. P.E. uniforms are available for purchase in the finance office. Uniform consists of a gray Hoover P.E. t-shirt and black Hoover P.E. shorts or yoga pants. Closed toe shoes are mandatory and students are encouraged to keep a pair of athletic shoes in their locker. A gray sweatshirt and black sweat bottoms may be used during cold weather. Students may purchase their own uniforms outside of school as long as they meet the following requirements: gray shirt has no writing, graphics or logos and has at least a one inch shoulder. Black shorts, yoga pants or sweatpants have no writing, graphics or logos.
- Locks must be a Master Lock brand combination lock. No key locks. Locks for sale in Finance Office.
- No food is allowed in the locker rooms.
Financial Office
Our financial office is located on the 1st floor of the 1100 building. Student hours are before/after-school and during school lunch period. Students who come during classes or passing periods cannot be accommodated. The finance office sells P.E. uniforms, locks, yearbooks, and Senior packages, as well as tickets for athletic events, dances, and other ASB activities. Students will need to have a student ID card for all transactions. Payments accepted: cash, check or money order. Credit/debit card and electronic payments are not accepted.
PowerSchool Student/Parent Portal
Students and parents are encouraged to monitor academic progress via PowerSchool. Students can access their PowerSchool information by using their Active Directory PIN and Password. Parents/guardians can gain access by contacting the Site Tech to receive an Access ID and Password from the school.
Morning bus pick-up is no longer available. Students with Moderate-Severe disabilities are provided transportation by the district. Aforementioned students may apply for transportation through the transportation secretary or Special Education Case Manager. For more information on transportation including late bus status, go to: or call (858) 496-8460
Skateboards, Scooters and Bicycles
Hoover High welcomes the use of skateboards, scooters, and bicycles as a method of travel to and from school. Just like automobiles, they must be parked in appropriate places, these items must also be stored appropriately. Our storage lockers are located between the big gym and the 1200 building, and are equipped with secure racks. Scooters must have the ability to fold to fit inside the locker. Some oversized longboards may not fit. If an item does not fit within the lockers, it may not be brought to school. Teachers are unable to secure your items. Students must provide their own locks to use these facilities; locks will be available for purchase through the finance office, if needed. Locks must be removed at the end of every day. The school reserves the right to cut off locks that remain after the items have been removed. Hoover is not responsible for items that are lost or stolen. At no time may these items be used on campus. Items being used on campus are subject to confiscation and can only be released to a parent or guardian.
App operated bicycles and scooters (OFO, Lime, Bird, etc.) should be parked off campus and out of the way of pedestrian or automobile traffic. Neither may be left or ridden on campus.
Students Speaking Out provides students with a way to anonymously report crime and dangerous activities taking place in San Diego County schools. Students can contact Students Speaking Out by phone, text, or web tip. We will pass that information on to authorities directly.