October 11, 2021
Dear Cardinal Students, Families and Supporters!
I want to ensure you are aware of the recent resolution passed by the SDUSD Board regarding mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all eligible students 16 years of age and older and all staff members. SDUSD notified principals the following informational letters were sent out to parents/guardians a couple of weeks ago. However, I want to ensure you have all seen them, as they are critically important to our public health and the continuity of learning at Hoover High School:
Letter to All Families: English | Spanish | Tagalog | Swahili | Arabic | Vietnamese | Somali
If you have an eligible 16 year old student who is not yet vaccinated, the first vaccination dose needs to happen by November 29 to ensure the second vaccination can take place prior to the SDUSD deadline of December 20. If you would like information relating to available vaccination clinics, please CLICK HERE. SDUSD will update this website as new vaccination clinics make themselves available to our community.
On a separate note, I want to make sure you are aware of the Virtual College Night we are hosting this Wednesday evening at 6 PM. To register, please CLICK HERE.
As always, I encourage you to visit our school website at https://hoover.sandiegounified.org/ for updated information.
Jason Babineau
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