(Spanish version available on page #2 | Versión en español disponible en la página #2)
September 13, 2021
Dear Cardinal Students, Families, and Supporters!
I want to provide you with some important dates and information regarding parent/guardian involvement and participation.
Coffee with the Principal
I will be making myself available to you to provide updates and answer any questions you have throughout the course of this school year. To best accommodate different parent/guardian schedules, I will be hosting an evening session on specified Thursdays, followed by a morning session on the subsequent Friday. These sessions will continue to be virtual. Details and Zoom information can be found on the following flyer: CLICK HERE
PTSA Involvement, Officer Elections, and Meeting
We are having a virtual PTSA meeting on Tuesday, September 28, at 5:30 PM. During this meeting, we will be holding elections for vacant leadership positions. We are currently in need of a PTSA President and Treasurer. If you are interested in fulfilling one of these roles, please put this meeting on your calendar. Among other reasons, it’s critical to have a PTSA to share parent/guardian opportunities and ensure our Class of 2022 can enjoy their Senior Night (hosted and led by PTSA!). To access the meeting flyer (and Zoom information) please CLICK HERE.