Board Actions Summary and Public Testimony 9-28-21

Board Actions Summary and Public Testimony 9-28-21
Posted on 09/30/2021

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It is important to note that the Board Actions Summary Report below is not the minutes of the board meeting and does not include information on all items on the agenda or the complete actions taken by the Board.  Meeting minutes are prepared for every meeting and after approval and adoption by the Board at a subsequent meeting, the minutes are posted in BoardDocs, To view minutes, open the “Meetings” tab, select the specific board meeting date, then choose the “View Minutes” button. The adopted minutes provide the official actions taken by the Board.

If you need additional information or have further questions, do not hesitate to contact 619-725-5550 or [email protected].    

9-28-21 Board Actions Summary, Regular Meeting

Trustees Barrera, Bazzo, Beiser, McQuary, Whitehurst-Payne and Student Board Member Patterson were present via Zoom Webinar. 

The meeting video is available at: San Diego Unified School District, Board of Education Meeting.

A.1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Establish Quorum

A.2. Pledge of Allegiance

B.1. Adopt Agenda

B.2. List of Public Speakers, received prior to 1:00 pm deadline (available at:

C.1. Student Presentation: Vista Grande Elementary School STEAM Program Video

C.2. Recognition of Employees for Years of Service (40, 30, 20, 15, 10 and 5 Years of Service)

D.1. Report on Closed Session: None.

D.2. Administrative Assignments:

  • Director, Special Education - Sarah Thomas


D.3. ASB Presidents’ Reports: 

  • Angelina Rosete, Mission Bay High School ASB President

D.4. Superintendent’s Information Report

D.5. Board Information Reports

The Board approved the following major agenda items (5-0, unless noted; [student preferential vote* shown in brackets]):

F.1.-F.8. All items on the Board Consent Agenda [ yes ]

G.1. Charter School Facility Committee Measure YY Project Recommendation with Staff Input and Recommendation; BUDGETED: YES, Measure YY [ yes ]

G.2 Annual Resolution 76 Authorizing the Chief of Staff, Director of Strategic Planning for Student Achievement, Director of Research and Evaluation, Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Officer, or their designees to Enter Into Agreements with the California Department of Education (CDE. [ yes ]

G.3. Revisions to Existing Board Policies (BP), Administrative Regulations (AR) and Exhibits (E) [ yes ]

G.4. Ratification of Agreements with Bargaining Units related to the COVID-19 Pandemic [ Student Board Member does not vote on Collective Bargaining Items ]

H.1.Resolution In The Matter Of Authorizing The Issuance And Negotiated Sale Of Not To Exceed $225,000,000 Of Proposition Z Bonds And Not To Exceed $350,000,000 Of Measure YY Bonds Of San Diego Unified School District, Prescribing The Terms Of Sale Of Said Bonds, Authorizing The Preparation And Execution And Delivery Of One Or More Bond Purchase Contracts, Authorizing The Preparation And Execution And Delivery Of Paying Agent Agreements, Fiscal Agent Agreements, Official Statements, Disclosure Dissemination Agreements, And Investment Management Agreements For Said Bonds, And Authorizing The Execution Of Necessary Documents Relating To Said Bonds; Resolution In The Matter Of Authorizing And Directing The Issuance And Sale Of Not To Exceed $450,000,000 Of General Obligation Refunding Bonds Of San Diego Unified School District, Approving Forms Of And Authorizing Execution And Delivery Of A Bond Purchase Contract, A Paying Agent Agreement, An Escrow Agreement, A Disclosure Dissemination Agreement, A Fiscal Agent Agreement And An Official Statement For Said Bonds, And Authorizing The Execution Of Necessary Documents Relating To Said Bonds [ yes ]

H.2. Agreement with ARCBridge Consulting & Training, Inc., to Provide the District with Redistricting Support Services and Mapping and Data Services to Re-balance Electoral Districts [ yes ]

H.3. Vaccine Mandate Plan [ yes ]

I.1. - I.42. - All items on the Superintendent’s Consent Agenda [ yes, with recusal on Item I.12, Student Expulsions ]

The following items were heard as Informational only:

E.1. Report on Summer of Learning Implementation

E.2. Ethnic Studies Update

The following public hearing was conducted:

G.5. Public Hearing on Initial Proposals from the Administrators Association San Diego City Schools (AASD) Certificated and Classified Bargaining Units to Bargain Successor Agreements

The next regular meeting will be held on October 12, 2021.


*Student preferential vote does not change numerical official vote of Trustees.

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