Board Actions Summary and Public Testimony 1-26-21

Board Actions Summary and Public Testimony 1-26-21
Posted on 01/26/2021

 All Board meeting agendas are posted at

You may direct any inquiries regarding items on the board agenda to the Board Services Office at 619-725-5550 or via email to [email protected]. In addition, you may attend the meeting, watch the meeting live on iTV16, watch the webcast live at,  or watch the video of the meeting any time at your convenience, which is posted on the website at

It is important to note that the Board Actions Summary Report below is not the minutes of the board meeting and does not include information on all items on the agenda or the complete actions taken by the Board.  Meeting minutes are prepared for every meeting and after approval and adoption by the Board at a subsequent meeting, the minutes are posted in BoardDocs, To view minutes, open the “Meetings” tab, select the specific board meeting date, then choose the “View Minutes” button. The adopted minutes provide the official actions taken by the Board.

If you need additional information or have further questions, do not hesitate to contact 619-725-5550 or [email protected].    

1-26-21 Board Actions Summary, Regular Meeting

Trustees Barrera, Beiser, Evans, McQuary and Whitehurst-Payne, and Student Board Member Patterson were present via Zoom Webinar. 

A.1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Establish Quorum

A.2. Pledge of Allegiance

B.1. Adopt Agenda

C.1. Student Presentation: Jones Elementary, Unified STEAM

D.1. Report on Closed Session: 

  • On January 17, 2021, in Special Closed Session, the Board voted 5-0 to appoint Dr. Lamont Jackson as Interim Superintendent through December 31, 2021, upon the resignation of Superintendent Cindy Marten.

D.2. Administrative Assignments:

  • Area Superintendent - Dr. Erin Richison

D.3. ASB Presidents’ Reports

  • Sophia Romei, San Diego Met ASB Co-President
  • Maya Tamir, San Diego Met ASB Co-President


D.4. Superintendent’s Information Report

D.5. Board Information Reports

E.1. Student Instructional Matters: None. 

The Board approved the following major agenda items (5-0, unless noted; [student preferential vote* shown in brackets]):

F.1.-F.7. All items on the Board Consent Agenda [ yes ]

G.1. Revisions to, Deletions of, Adoption of New, and Annual Re-Adoption of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Board Policies (BP), Administrative Regulations (AR) and Exhibits (E), and Remaining Administrative Procedures (AP) and Board Policy Manual [ yes ]

G.2. Preliminary Proposals for Allocations of Facilities to Charter Schools Under Proposition 39 (Education Code Section 47164) for 2021-22 School Year [ yes ]

H.2. Resolution of Intent to Grant Permanent Easement and Right-of-Way for Water Facilities to City of San Diego on Portion of District-Owned Real Property at Point Loma High School [ yes ]

H.3. Determine that the Resolution to Submit a Waiver Request to State Board of Education Regarding Education Code Requirements for Lease of Property of the Current Central Elementary is Exempt From Further Environmental Review Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15301 – Existing Facilities; Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution to Submit a Waiver Request to State Board of Education Regarding Education Code Requirements for Future Lease of Property of the Current Central Elementary [ yes ]

I.1. - I.39. - All items on the Superintendent’s Consent Agenda [ yes ]

The following item was heard as Informational only:

H.1. Update on Governor's 2021-22 Budget Proposal

Public Testimony was provided orally by the following Speakers; to hear comments, the video link is available at: 

A Charter School meeting will be held on February 2, 2021. The next regular meeting will be held on February 9, 2021. 

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